This isn’t gonna be a super long post, but it is something I am very passionate about. So just hear me out. Several times over last few months I’ve heard girls say “I wear makeup cuz it makes me feel confident.” Or guys say “well I work out because it makes me more confident.” And before I go any further I want to say that I love wearing make up & I love working out! This is isn’t a post against either of those. Okay? Okay, awesome. 🙂

The part that I want to address is the confidence bit. And that is because from my experience… real, lasting confidence does not come from anything that you enhance or change about yourself. What I mean is if I only feel confident when I wear makeup, then is that really confidence? As soon as I take it off, what am I then? If I’m confident when I’m in shape, well then what happens when life gets stressful & I lose my “great bod”. Guys, confidence is SO much deeper than your appearance. That is why there are girls and guys who have “perfect body’s” “perfect skin” “perfect clothes” and yet they have the lowest self esteem possible. Because when you are trying to find your confidence in your appearance, you will always be missing something. There will always be someone prettier, stronger, cooler. And even if you think you look great, or if you are in the best shape of your life… Let me ask you something, if all of that was taken away, would you still be confident?

I wrote this post because it’s something that is very close to my heart. Confidence is a battle I faced for years because I was searching for it in all of the wrong things. I thought if I looked the right way, acted the right way, said the “right” things… Then everyone would think I’m confident. But just cuz everyone else thinks you are confident does not mean you are. You can fool others but you can’t fool yourself. Thankfully, I had somewhat of a breakthrough.

REAL confidence does not need to be proven. If I am confident, then I could have no makeup, a bad complexion, a soft body & average clothes and I wouldn’t feel insecure because I know that I am beautiful no matter what my outer appearance may look like. And once again, NOT saying it’s bad to wear makeup or work out… But if your soul reason is because you think it will make you more confident… You are kidding yourself. You cannot create confidence with a temporary enhancement. And honestly, I am not going to tell you HOW to be confident, because it is different for everyone. But for me personally, it was finding what I am passionate about & doing it as much as I can. I think once you find your purpose on this earth…(notice I said purpose, not career) but once you find it, The confidence just comes…because you know that THIS is why you are here and nothing else really matters. And because of that, no matter what you look like, no matter what people say, no matter how you may be feeling temporarily… You can be confident.